emerge workrave
鱼妈妈老跟我要新玩意儿,不知道这个算不算。 这个软件是一个防沉迷软件。防止你沉迷于工作或沉迷于游戏,强制休息。还教你做些体操什么的。
Openoffice & MS office管窥
那天发生的两件小事,且看Openoffice 和MS office是如何PK的。
一件事是老婆需要筛选文本功能。当时在Linux下,看了一下Openoffice Calc 没找到,Openoffice 似乎只支持数字的筛选。结果老婆自己在excel下找到了。Openoffice虽然功能越做越强,也偶见比MS Office强的地方,但到细微之处还是经常落在MS Office 的后面。感觉 Openoffice不应该这么亦步亦趋的,还是应该另辟蹊径。在这点上我更欣赏google,虽然google calendar到现在也不加todo让我很恼火。Google经常给人一种"原来这件事还可以这样做呀?"的感觉。
另一件事是zz的两个word文档用word打不开。我用Openoffice Writer打开另存了一下就OK了。我已经N多次这样帮同事"修"文件了。总觉得MS office 这样自己跟自己不兼容,还要Openoffice来做红娘是很可笑的事情。MS Office 2007的文件与以前版本的还是不兼容。我的经验是,Openoffice 认的文件格式比MS office多,但经常会与原貌有出入。刚听说 微软新Office格式成为国际标准,有兴趣的去看看。
一件事是老婆需要筛选文本功能。当时在Linux下,看了一下Openoffice Calc 没找到,Openoffice 似乎只支持数字的筛选。结果老婆自己在excel下找到了。Openoffice虽然功能越做越强,也偶见比MS Office强的地方,但到细微之处还是经常落在MS Office 的后面。感觉 Openoffice不应该这么亦步亦趋的,还是应该另辟蹊径。在这点上我更欣赏google,虽然google calendar到现在也不加todo让我很恼火。Google经常给人一种"原来这件事还可以这样做呀?"的感觉。
另一件事是zz的两个word文档用word打不开。我用Openoffice Writer打开另存了一下就OK了。我已经N多次这样帮同事"修"文件了。总觉得MS office 这样自己跟自己不兼容,还要Openoffice来做红娘是很可笑的事情。MS Office 2007的文件与以前版本的还是不兼容。我的经验是,Openoffice 认的文件格式比MS office多,但经常会与原貌有出入。刚听说 微软新Office格式成为国际标准,有兴趣的去看看。
"scrapbook" vs "google notebook"
notebook之后就很少用了。我认为notebook 是google做的最差的东西,唯有一点比scrapbook强,那就是online.
Subject: gnome 2.16的gnome-settings-daemon crash 的问题解决了!
gnome-settings-daemon fails to start
gnome-settings-daemon needs a local dbus session to work, and fails to
start if one is not present. GDM automatically starts a dbus session
for you, but if you're using some other DM or using startx with a
.xinitrc file, you need to manually start the dbus session. Put this
in your X startup file (.xinit for startx, .xsession for a DM):
Code Listing 1.1: Starting a dbus session
eval `dbus-launch --exit-with-session --sh-syntax`
Make sure it's before the line that runs gnome-session (or
gnome-settings-daemon, if you're starting that directly).
Alternatively, if you're using startx and not doing anything special
in your .xinitrc, you can remove your .xinitrc and set the XSESSION to
gnome in your .profile or in /etc/rc.conf. This will correctly start
dbus before starting gnome-session.
gnome-settings-daemon fails to start
gnome-settings-daemon needs a local dbus session to work, and fails to
start if one is not present. GDM automatically starts a dbus session
for you, but if you're using some other DM or using startx with a
.xinitrc file, you need to manually start the dbus session. Put this
in your X startup file (.xinit for startx, .xsession for a DM):
Code Listing 1.1: Starting a dbus session
eval `dbus-launch --exit-with-session --sh-syntax`
Make sure it's before the line that runs gnome-session (or
gnome-settings-daemon, if you're starting that directly).
Alternatively, if you're using startx and not doing anything special
in your .xinitrc, you can remove your .xinitrc and set the XSESSION to
gnome in your .profile or in /etc/rc.conf. This will correctly start
dbus before starting gnome-session.
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